Question types
Closed-ended questions
Drop-down menu
Image drag and drop
Multiple choice
Post-it notes
Image ranking
Text ranking
Clickable blocks
Text drag and drop
Specific questions
Clickable images
Net Promoter Score
Upload documents
Address book
Ranking questions
Graduated scale
Animated cursor
Graphic scale
Numbered scale
Vertical graduated scale
Illustrated scale
Colored numbered scale
Dynamic numbered scale
Question matrices
Single choice tables
Multiple choice tables
Text sweep
Image sweep
Graduated scale
Clickable blocks
Free text tables
Line-by-line display
Image tables
Icon tables
Numerical tables
Mixed multiple choice tables
Time/date tables
Drop-down menu tables
Colored scale tables
Dynamic scale tables
Open-ended questions
Free text
Zip code
Digital slider
* All functions are available for iQ3 and Declic, except those that appear in this color, which are exclusive to iQ3.
Editing and customization
Number of pages
Survey description
Page numbers
References to other questions/answers
Insert bullet points
Insert hyperlinks
Font color
Text background color
Define logo
Multilingual survey (44 languages available)
Automatic survey translation
Image and video importing
Allow zooming on images
Survey creation via mind mapping
Multi-form management
Add progress bars
Action buttons (display, browse, print...)
Background image
Cascading questions
Page transition effects
Random page display
Page display plan (condition management)
Responsive design
Responsive design (customized adaptation in mobile format)
Customization of form size
Customization of form type (web, scanner, offline, etc.)
Customized positioning of survey components (images, text, questions)
* All functions are available for iQ3 and Declic, except those that appear in this color, which are exclusive to iQ3.
Conditional question display
Conditional response display
Random order modality display
Multiple criteria conditions
Required response
Required response alert message
Resend/skip question
Response time limits
Email alert message
Resending with alert message
Turn off individualized random rotation
Score management
Special instructions
Inclusion of "other" box at the end for the option to provide an alternative response
Alphabetical sorting
Hide question from survey
* All functions are available for iQ3 and Declic, except those that appear in this color, which are exclusive to iQ3.
Data management
Importing and management
Data import in Excel format
Tabulated data import (.csv, .txt)
Qualitative field data or document import (.docx, .xtx)
SPSS or triple-S data import
Import of script data via a URL
Data table protection
Manual data entry
Calculation management
Define a scale
Calculate a new variable
Recalculate a variable
* All functions are available for iQ3 and Declic, except those that appear in this color, which are exclusive to iQ3.
Management and calculation
External data import: Excel, CSV, Triple S, SPSS, SurveyMonkey, Google Forms
Data updating: merge, add and replace
API data feed
Definition and calculation of new variables
Rebalancing, filtering, debugging and modification
Modality grouping
Numerical data and dates splitting into classes
Weighting by scales
Calculation of variables with script language
Creation of customized tables
Text analysis
Searchable comment browsing and word filtering
Morphosyntactic analysis and filtering by grammatical category
Identification of specific words according to context
Extraction of the most frequent expressions
Hierarchical ranking (Alceste method)
Creation of thematic dictionaries by lexical groupings
Sentiment analysis using machine learning
Cross-referencing of coded topics with orientation (positive, negative, neutral)
Import codebooks from other projects
Statistical analysis
Univariate analysis
Bivariate analysis
Three-dimensional analysis
Correspondence Factor Analysis
Principal Component Analysis
Multiple linear regression
K-means classification
Relationship plots
Statistical tests: Chi2, inter- and intra-analysis of variance, Fisher, correlation
Decision analysis
Net Promoter Score
Importance/value matrix
Tetra-class analysis (Llosa matrix)
Table of characteristics
Strengths/weaknesses matrix
Comparative analysis using filtered tables
Definition of targets and calculation of deviation
Data visualization
Graphs and tables
Histograms, stacked bars
Lines, curves, stacked areas
Sectors, half sectors
Rings, half rings
Box and whisker diagram
Bars, opposite columns
Word cloud
Heat map
Wind rose
Bubble and scatter plot
Fillable images
Geographical maps
Customized sorting of data: according to values, header, combined, etc.
Object alignment and positioning options
Creation of graphic forms
Insertion of custom images
Vector image library
Insertion of pictograms
Rich text areas
Various infographic templates
Graphic design customization
Rotation of graphic elements
Automatic alignment function
Data staging
Filtering a view
Illustration of analysis by view
Filtering the results from a table/chart
Conditional display of objects
Mouse-over comments
Filtering results from an image
Automatic identification of reading media (smartphone, tablet or PC), and management of responsive design
Multilingual management
Real-time updating of results
Construction of customized websites with links to the results
Distribution and sharing
Offline surveys on tablets and cell phones
Quota definition
Cross quotas
Paper-based surveys
Scanning of responses on paper
Social media
Embed survey into a website
Generate QR code
PDF printing
Multilingual survey
Data collection progess monitoring
Customization of post-survey messages
Management of different links for the panelist provider
Customized send-outs (automated, preset, by profile, etc.)
Password-protected survey access
Customization of email notifications
Customization of response-based email notifications
Offline data analysis
* All functions are available for iQ3 and Declic, except those that appear in this color, which are exclusive to iQ3.