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Professional software tailored to the education sector and designed to support research projects, the learning of quantitative and qualitative methodologies and survey techniques, and university quality assessments.

Education and research

We support...



who need survey and data analysis tools for their research projects.


who require specialist data collection, analysis, and visualization software for their projects.



who explain research methods to their students and/or undertake university research projects.

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Quality assurance departments
which assess student satisfaction and integration.

Want to know more?

Start learning how to use our tools and discover tips for putting them to use in your projects

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As a Le Sphinx tool user, every day I'm discovering new functions that help me with my research. Highlights for me would be how easy they are to learn and the huge amount of time I've saved by using the DATAVIV survey creation and data analysis environments, the latter one in particular. In a short space of time, Le Sphinx tools have become go-to tools in my teaching and research "toolbox"; they are extremely versatile and make data analysis and reporting tasks much more enjoyable and intuitive.


Market Research Professor at EAE Business School


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